Thursday, August 25, 2011

Return to First-Century Church Practices: Overwhelming

Grandpa Grizzly here,

     I have been out or the institutional church now for quite awhile, and I know that there are many who have already returned to first-century practices. I have read many books about these practices by Frank Viola, Robert A. Lund, and Robert Banks as well as numerous articles about home church, etc. However, I don't want to make excuses for not continuing as a home church. I still read the word, and my wife and I discuss and practice our faith as best we know how, but I am overwhelmed by the necessity of change that must take place in the lives of believers. I just need to pray.

Grandpa Grizzly

1 comment:

  1. Our family has not been to a church for 10 years. We began a home church service after being hounded to have our 12 year old son participate in "youth group" activities. We had also changed churches (and even demoninations) three times in twelve years in an attempt to find a church which actually practiced the Word.

    We conduct a conservative (WELS) Lutheran service at home using our hymnal and Bible. We would welcome others from outside our family if one of our friends or neighbors requested to join us, but the world has not turned enough for anyone to come and seek out a church that uses the Bible as its basis.

    We believe the Christian body of believers will have to go underground soon anyway based on the encroaching, aggressive anti-Christian rhetoric and attacks on Christian doctrine.
