Thursday, August 25, 2011

Return to First-Century Church Practices: Overwhelming

Grandpa Grizzly here,

     I have been out or the institutional church now for quite awhile, and I know that there are many who have already returned to first-century practices. I have read many books about these practices by Frank Viola, Robert A. Lund, and Robert Banks as well as numerous articles about home church, etc. However, I don't want to make excuses for not continuing as a home church. I still read the word, and my wife and I discuss and practice our faith as best we know how, but I am overwhelmed by the necessity of change that must take place in the lives of believers. I just need to pray.

Grandpa Grizzly

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Depth of God's Forgiveness

Grandpa Grizzly here,

The thought came to me this morning, God's forgiveness for those of us who think that he won't forgive is overwhelming to me. God forgives like no one else. Here, David is an adulterer, a murderer, and whatever other sins he committed in his lifetime and God still forgave him. In fact, he was described as a man after God's own heart. Another example is the Apostle Paul. He too was a man who sinned much. He persecuted Christians, had them thrown into jail, and yet God's forgiveness as Paul puts it, "he had unlimited patience for him the worst of sinners." So, today, as we go about our day today, reflect on the depth of that forgiveness when we are quickly ready to condemn ourselves. I know that I will.

Grandpa Grizzly

Monday, August 22, 2011

Will He Find Faith?

Grandpa Grizzly here,

Today, we should be worshiping the father in Spirit and Truth. Our God cannot be contained in buildings of brick and mortar. It is built in the hearts of believers. It is so vital to examine the practices of the christian church and see if they line up with the word. The way believers met in the first-century is an example for us to meditate on. This is the example that we can look to to see the reality of how Christians should live together. I am not saying this in a legalistic way, but speaking the truth in love.

Grandpa Grizzly

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Entrenched in Tradition

Grandpa Grizzly here,

     Change is difficult, wouldn't you agree? It happens to all of us and cannot be avoided. This happened to me a while back. The issue was our practices as believers when it came to church, pastors, etc., etc., etc.
     I was beginning to see how the institutional church was a system, rather than a loving community of believers. I really didn't understand why believers continued in and fostered a system that really kept them in bondage. Then, it dawned on me. It was for the sake of tradition that our practices kept on the way they did, and many are entrenched in them without bothering to ask why we do what we do.
     So, my journey to discover the truth about our practices and tradition has become an investigation into how first-century believers meet together, worship, give to the poor, etc., etc., etc. for the past three years or so. I'm not really certain as to the time frame. However, I now see that tradition is a heavy-handed task master and far too many believers are ignorant of how the post-apostolic higher-ups, for lack of a better word, have influenced believers.
     Hopefully, as I continue writing, I will be able to shed light on and expose the truth for many out there who are clinging to going to church and bending the knee to the system of entrenched tradition.

Grandpa Grizzly

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Press On, Christian

Grandpa Grizzly Here,

Today, a word of encouragement to all who believe in God and Jesus Christ as their savior. The days we live in can be quite discouraging if we keep our eyes only on the televised news. However, today, we, as Christians, have a better hope. Jesus lives in us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We look forward to eternal life with the Father and his son Jesus.

Grandpa Grizzly

Favorite Pictures

I'm just testing to see if I can upload pictures to my blog

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Savor the Day

Hello Again,

Grandpa Grizzly here. It's been a long time! Today, let's stop and take a few minutes to savor the day. Life's moments are far to short not to. The seconds pass quickly and are never to be recovered again. We need to stop and reflect on the day we have been given by God. Beauty surrounds us at every corner, even though ugliness of wars and dissatisfaction abounds. Take a couple of minutes today to reflect on your life and all that you have been blessed with.

Grandpa Grizzly